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From My Head Reviews Update & Book Blogger Hop! (1)

I wanted to clear something up, for those who're wondering why this random blog is now on your Following list. This used to be From My Head Reviews, and still is, I've just changed my blog name!
I finally decided to participate in the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy For Books! This week Jennifer has added a twist. Everyone on the hop has to answer a question*:

Q: Tell us your name and why you started blogging.
A: This one's easy enough. I'm Cara and I started blogging for a few different reasons. I first found out about the book blogger world through a friend. I had previously never really thought about blogging, but it turned out to be the perfect thing for me. I have very strong opinions, especially when it comes to books, so it's great that I can share them and people actually tolerate my random babbling. Also, blogging's fun!

Leave a comment or follow, and I'll be happy to follow/comment back! I have a contest going on now--enter here!--and I'm giving away Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder, a signed copy of Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia, & some Angel Star swag!

I'm also on Twitter and Goodreads!

*Well this time it's not technically a question...
"Oxford Comma"-Vampire Weekend,