Next to be reviewed:

Holy Shizz, guys...

Hello lovely people, I'm here to ramble a bit for you and show some pretty pictures. If you're here for a review, I'll have at least one up this weekend, and many more next week! If you're here because you hope I'm giving something away, check back in a few weeks! If you're just bored and have nothing better to do, hello and welcome! I went to the best concert I've ever seen last night (which is the reason for my disconnect from the interwebs for the last couple days) and I wanted to tell you about these friggin' awesome individuals:

First opener; Austin Gibbs (AKA porno-stache Mcgee):

(He was surprisingly fantastic--check him out!)


Second opening act; This Century (AKA Joel, Alex, Sean, and Ryan):

(Le sigh--I love them. Check their music out as well! By the way, this song makes me melt. Every time.)

Headliner; The Maine (AKA John, Kennedy, Garrett, Jared, and Pat):

(They're amazing and put on one hell of a show. Check them out and fall in love. This video was from the concert I went to and I absolutely adore whoever took it.)

Also; Dirk Mai was there taking some pictures:

I had early entry which basically means you get to go into the venue a few minutes before everyone else. My friends and I were right up against the barricade and inevitably were smushed continuously, but it was completely worth it. If you ever get the chance to see any of these people live TAKE IT. The rest of the tour dates are here if anyone's interested. If not, well, that's cool too, lol. 

Sorry for this completely un-book-related post, but I listen to music constantly and these people are amazing to watch and listen to and deserve some more exposure. Hopefully they'll find a few new fans in you guys! Before I leave you to rest my aching back, one more video to convince you to check these musicians out:

(In the video Joel is imitating Jerry from the show Seinfeld for anyone who didn't know what was going on. I find it oddly hilarious.)

*Oh and my IMM post will be up tomorrow my friends. I just got back from another music festival and am thoroughly beat. Enjoy your weekend everyone!

"Money Honey"-This Century,
